We just got back from Kauai and it was so hard to come back! The weather wasn't perfect but, hey, we were in Hawaii -- rain in Hawaii beats rain in Seattle anytime. Go-chan loved the water and just loved being outside -- it made me feel guilty that he's usually indoors when we're here at home because of the bad weather. But spring is on its way so hopefully we'll be out playing in the sunshine soon!
I discovered my new favorite photographer on our trip. That makes me sound like I had a favorite photographer before this. I'm not an artsy-fartsy kind of person, I don't collect art or know art or anything like that so the fact that I am blogging about this guy means I really really like his stuff.
While the in-laws were grocery shopping, I went poking around in the little shops around Princeville. There was a small art gallery tucked into one corner of the shopping center and one of their featured artists is Clark Little. Apparently he's fairly big time and he's been on the Today Show and all that which just shows how out of touch I am. I'm just glad I found him when I did.
Oh my god, I love these pictures. I

think they're so incredible. I don't surf and never have and would probably drown if I were ever caught in waves like these but something about these pictures just make me stop and stare. I so wish I had the money to buy one of the big pictures but had to settle for the small $20 matted print. I really want his book -- it's a huge coffee table photo book with just picture after picture of shore break. It's $100 so maybe I'll just wait until my birthday and hint to the parents. Go check out his
site and stare in awe. I'd love a huge Cast Away shot in our bedroom.

I've got lots more to blog about but am somewhat exhausted -- we got in last night at 11:30pm so I'm still trying to catch up on sleep.
Hope everyone had a happy Easter!